Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment

What Is Acne?
Blisters that settle in the skin pores are called acne that creates a fluffy and red image on the skin and it becomes inflamed over time. Acne is usually seen on the face, back, chest V region and shoulder. In oily skin, the pores are clogged more easily and create a beautiful habitat for bacteria. The bacteria formed in these pores cause acne formation. However, every pimple is not acne, because redness and fluffy images due to hair rotation can be seen as acne.
Acne usually occurs in areas with high-fat levels. For this reason, we can state that the formation of oil and acne are related. Acne affects approximately 80% of all populations in all populations and is generally observed in adolescence during 12-18 years of age Inflamed and reddening swellings have occurred because of developing and increasing of fat tissues in the skin tissues in the adolescence period.
How Is Acne Treated?
Acne can be treated by regular skin care, cleaning products, medicated creams and pills, chemical peeling processes, light, and laser method. Treatment methods vary according to the age and size of the skin. Thanks to technological devices, patients who have acne traces, they can easily get rid of these traces. Acne scars can be treated with the Icon Laser and Scarlet S devices. Medical treatment methods include collagen injection and PRP treatment is the support therapy.
How Is Acne Treatment With Scarlet S?
In this method, the skin is stimulated by subcutaneous radio frequency waves thanks to the specially designed micro-needles, and the skin is healing thanks to these warnings. Micro needles penetrate into the skin, stimulating the skin surface to initiate a natural healing process. During the application of the upper layer of the skin, cell growth factors are activated, so the pits connected to the acne traces are filled and the marks are markedly reduced. This application with acne scars, stain marks, skin tone differences, double chin shaping, and skin makes the young and plump look. Even with a single session, very pleasant results can be obtained.

How is Icon Laser performed?
Icon Laser is a technology that collects many treatments in one device. It treats acne scars on all skin types inclusively. It creates microdamage on the skin and the skin the acne scars heal visibly due to rejuvenation mechanism with the application. Collagen production increases with the energy transmitted under the skin thanks to the device and acne scars, spots and even wrinkles can be treated. Icon laser treatment is the new generation fractional laser and it doesn't affect the social life.
How are acne scars treated with collagen injection?
One of the most common proteins in the human body is collagen. It provides structural strength to shape tissues and organs and 72% of the body skin contains collagen. It gives to the skin robustness and flexibility. Collagen injection is applied to eliminate collagen deficiency in the body.
According to the condition of the skin and treatment method, a total of 4 sessions are performed and the interval of the session will be between 2-4 weeks. The skin is prepared with local anesthesia cream and then the collagen is injected through the skin with a thin mesotherapy needle. With the increase of the collagen on the skin, acne scars are repaired and the skin renewed. Collagen injection is also a method of treating brown spots and wrinkles.
What is PRP Treatment?
In the treatment of PRP, platelets are used which is eluted from the patient's own blood. Platelets repair damaged tissues in the body. In this way, the factors that provide growth and repair to the skin are intensively transmitted and the healing process is provided. Acne scars are treated with the blood circulation accelerating under the skin. PRP is also the most commonly used method in the treatment of hair loss.
It is now possible to solve the problem of acne with many reliable methods. Acne traces can be treated with the help of experienced physicians to determine the appropriate treatment method. Furthermore, it is aimed to increase the success of treatment with Icon laser and Scarlet S.

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