Baby Face Beauty Laser

Baby Face Beauty Laser

Advanced laser technology LASEMD is a CDS which enables the application of cosmeceutical products on the skin and improvement in the entire skin. CDS is known as Cosmeceutical Release System, cosmetic components applied to the skin with the laser, provides to achieve the desired aesthetic results. Cosmetics are widely used, but these products do not provide sufficient absorption by the skin.Therefore, Lasemd method is used, in order to obtain the desired results, also known as Thulium Laser. Micro-wounds opened on the skin tissue with this application, provide to reach the depth of the cosmeceutical skin so effective results are taken in a short time in this way. With LASEMD, a fiber-based laser, shot sizes can be calculated.A perfect treatment can be applied in a short time because of reaching desired depth and determined area. This treatment does not affect the daily life and Treatments like wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation can be applied in a short time without the need for anesthesia.
Baby Face Beauty Laser can be applied to all skin types. It is also used in sensitive skin type with application lasting about 6 minutes. The desired treatment can be applied by preferring the feature of aesthetic or skin resurfacing. Thulium laser is one of the most effective methods for wrinkle reduction. Skin whitening, skin brightening, wound treatments, hair problems and hair loss provides solution. Specially prepared serum with LASEMD provides to get the most effective results.Because of reaching depth of the skin, difficult skin treatments such as loosening of the skin and neck sagging are provided in a short time and comfortably. Special serums are prepared according to the patient, a treatment method will be determined that the patient needs. The number of sessions and sessions may vary according to the skin type. After the session, positive reactions on the skin are noticed within a few hours. LASEMD plays a part in cosmetics and aesthetics because it applies in a short time, it obtain perfect results. It is easy to beautify because it does not affect daily activities with the Thulium laser without the need for surgical procedures.

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