

Carboxytherapy is a new method in the aesthetic field, a treatment method which has been used since 1925 and used in many areas until today. It has been used as an effective treatment for stretch marks after pregnancy, cellulite, skin sagging, fast weight gain and give deformations.What are the fields of application?

Usage Areas of Carboxytherapy

Stretch Marks Treatment

Cellulite Treatment

On sagging skin

Wound treatment

Reduction of big breasts due to adipose tissue

Regional fat deposition

Carbon dioxide gas is given to the body, the body reacts with carbon dioxide gas and sends oxygen to the area where is carbon dioxide. In this case, fat tissues are deformed and recovery is achieved.

Who is not Suitable Candidate for The Treatment?

It can not be applied who is pregnant and breastfeeding, cancer patients, patients with advanced diabetes, patients with gangrene, varicosis, and thrombophlebitis.

Sessions of Carboxytherapy?

The number of sessions varies from person to person. Generally, 15-20 sessions are performed and the sessions should be repeated in 2-3 day intervals. Session times take 30-45 minutes, and after the 5th session, visible results start to appear. After the session, you should not get in contact with water for 4-6 hours. Activities such as shower, pool, sea, and sauna should be avoided, then you can continue your daily life.

Is there any side effect of Carboxytherapy?

Slight redness may be observed after the application, but this effect disappears in a short time. Since carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas, it is removed from the skin with the respiratory tract therefore, this gas has no damage and side effects.

During the application, a small pain may be felt in sensitive areas, but there is no pain except this.

Is Carboxytherapy Treatment Permanent?

After the application, persistence is related to the lifestyles, eating and drinking habits. Healthy nutrition and active life are effective on the persistence of treatment, the problems may occur again ıf you don't pay attention.

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