Double Chin Enhancement

Double Chin Enhancement

It can also occur in young ages and excess fat accumulation under the chin makes feel uncomfortable. In today's technology, it is possible to get rid of this problem in a short time. It is very important to have a clear face and jaw lines in order to have a beautiful face. Young people may face this problem genetically. Solving these problems is very with technolgy. Vshape, Thermilift, Ulthera and Mesotherapy methods can be used to provide non-surgical double chin aesthetic methods. This problem can be seen at any age. Especially, it occurs  due to excess weight in early ages and also it ocur also genetically. This problem can be defined as excess fat and skin sagging. Vshape application is one of the most effective solution methods for skin sagging.

How Vshape Affects
Vshape is a safe method that can be applied to the face. Fat cells are rend by ultrasound waves and parameningeal sites are not damaged during the application. Vshape is a method that uses both radiofrequency and ultrasound technologies. Thanks to radiofrequency waves, heat and sound waves are transmitted under the skin, fat tissues are rend so tightening occurs in the skin.
Sessions of Vshape
Vshape last 20 minutes and it is applied every two weeks. Critical oil loss and tension are provided in the applied area that’s why serious results can be seen after the first session. The expected effect is obtained after 4 sessions. Since the application is permanent, only 1 session is enough for sufficient results in the following years.
What is Thermilift?
It is the latest applied technology for renewal, shaping and tightening of facial skin. During the application, the existing collagen in the skin tightens and new collagen formation begins to form. After the first session, the effects are visible and this method is valid for whole skin types. While application, the skin surface is protected by a coolant spray while the underfloor fibers are given heat so it provides skin tightening and rejuvenation. The application times vary according to the region to be treated. In the first session, effective results are obtainedbut the most effective results are gradually increasing.

Ulthera - What is Ultheraphy?
Wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes are destroyed. Bags formed in the eyelids, low eyelids are treated. Eyebrow correction, cheek and jaw sagging, especially neck and double chin sagging are treated. During the application, it provides to gain strength of the connective tissue under the skin and it resolves the facial lifting operations without any surgery. As with the ultrasound procedures, the head to be treated is contacted with the skin. Because of this head, the skin and subcutaneous tissued can be monitored on the screen of the device. Application plan can be made, the energy to be delivered to the skin is planned and it also is transmitted under the skin in a controlled manner.
Although the results of the treatment are observed in a single session, the most effective results are will be seen between 60-90 days. The treatment persists for 1 year and the sessions last almost 30 minutes.

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