Eye Bruise and Wrinkles Treatment

Eye Bruise and Wrinkles Treatment

Eye bruises and trough cause to seem both tired and old tissue loss. Under eye problems occur because of ageing and losing the tissue on this area. Under-eye shadow the main reason of looking bad. Genetic are also important to have this problem but it is possible to get rid of them.One of the most effective methods for the treatment is mixture of Hyaluronic acid and amino acids which is called as under eye light filler. In addition, hyaluronic acid and  amino acid are substances when it is used with color-opening and circulation regulator and it is known mesotherapy cocktails and it is also very successful for bruising and wrinkles.
Treatment of Bruises with Mesotherapy Light Fill
Hyaluronic acid is the active substance of light filler and it is  is naturally found in the body so it accelerates the skin repair process with  enhancing this acid by the filler in the body. Area of eyes is so thin and sensitive so it is necessary to pay attention to the applications to this risky area. The substance to be applied in the treatment of bruises should be designed that’s why  the most effective and special application is light filling. Light filler is applied under the skin with fine-tipped needles, the active substances provide the rejuvenation and repair of the skin. Mesotherapy light filler is applied with anesthetic cream so there will be no pain during the treatment. After the treatment ,the patients can return daily life and it lasts in 3-4 sessions and it is useful to repeat it in one year.

Under eye Wrinkles Treatment
Changes in the body occur over the years. These changes are especially in the face firstly thin lines appear and then turn into wrinkles. The challenge of years is possible because of the technology. The lines on the face are caused by mimics, but if the lines on the face are visible without any mimic, it means that  symptoms of aging have emerged. Wrinkles absolutely emerge, but it is possible to prevent wrinkles. The production of collagen and elastin are got support in the wrinkles treatment. The treatment of wrinkles can be treated with both medical and technological methods.
Wrinkle Treatment with Botox
Botox is one of the most effective methods of treating wrinkles that occurs in the face. Botox is a treatment method that alleviates and eliminates wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. The application lasts nearly 10 minutes and  effects of botox are immediately seen but the most effective results are taken after 7-10 day. Botox is actually the trade name for a substance injected into the skin. Botox blocks the nerve signals to the affected muscles around the injection so it prevents the formation of wrinkles.
Wrinkle Treatment with Fill Injection
Filler injection is widely used in many treatments. Since hyaluronic acid is a substance that is found naturally in the body, it provides to reach the expected treatment results without any side effects because it doesn’t contain allergen substance. By means of hyaluronic acid, the skin is rejuvenated, it gets shine and it also increases the elasticity of the skin. Wrinkles on the skin are treated with filler and the skin is rejuvenated and and gives smoothness.

Wrinkle Treatment with Scarlet S
Scarlet S is an anti-aging system that has a micro-needle on the skin, and it is transmitted radio frequency waves under the skin. During the application, it provides to increase the collagen and elastin under the skin without being damaged. Thus, the skin begins to be reconstructed and rejuvenated. Treatment is generally lasts 3-4 sessions every three weeks. These sessions change according to the depth of wrinkles and from person to person.

Wrinkle Treatment with Icon Laser
Icon Laser provides high energy transmission under the skin thanks to its special technology. This feature increases the production of collagen so that the skin renewal process begins.The treatment is generally 3-4 sessions and it is applied every 2 weeks.
Wrinkle Therapy with Focused Ultrasound
This method is applied only single session,the ultrasound waves occur the skin's self-renewal process with the heat damages caused by focusing on the skin's 1.5 and 3 mm depths

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