Facial Rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation

With increasing age, negative effects of aging and environmental factors cause changes in our skin. Firstly, these changes appear as fine lines that indicates age progression, and then these fine lines transform into deep lines and wrinkles. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent the usual change of the skin, while prolonging the time is proportional to providing the care that the skin needs on a regular basis, although signs of aging and wrinkling are inevitable. Medical and technological solutions make it possible for you to have a younger and healthier skin no matter how old you are. Because of facial rejuvenation methods, you can have a vital and youthful skin by removing symptoms of aging.

Facial rejuvenation is provided with the medical methods and technological methods. Injection methods such as Filler, Botox, Stem Cell, Salmon DNA, Collagen Injection and Prp are the most preferred methods for facial rejuvenation. You can also benefit from using facial rejuvenation technology with devices such as Ulthera, Scarlet S, Thermage, Babyface, Vshape and Thermismooth.

Facial Rejuvenation with Botox

Botox is a method of treating wrinkles by injecting liquid formulated with vitamins and substances into the skin. Botox applied in many treatments, is also used in facial rejuvenation therapy. The area to be treated is anesthetized with local anesthetic creams 20 minutes ago , after anesthesia Botox is applied by injecting under the skin with fine-tipped needles.Injection takes approximately 10-15 minutes and also it does not cause side effects. Botox is one of the most important methods of medical facial rejuvenation and it offers different treatments day by day.

Stem Cell Miracle in Face Rejuvenation

Stem cell therapy is also known as fibrocell therapy that provides treatment with cells from the patient's own tissue. With biopsy needles are obtained by separating the tissues taken from the tissue of the ear into fibroblasts in the laboratory. Thus, collagen and elastin cells are increased and skin rejuvenation is provided. The application finishes in 10-15 minutes by preparing the skin with local anesthetic creams. It is recommended that it should be 2-3 sessions and with 6 weeks interval and also these periods vary from person to person.



Facial Rejuvenation with Salmon DNA

In the treatment protocol known as Pi sysem, it is a method that is the formula obtained from hyaluronic acid and salmon fish’ sperm,is applied by injecting to the skin.Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the human body, but it gradually decreases and it  loses its function. For this reason, increasing of these cells and substances should be supported because it is used in medical and it gets vitality to the skin and provides to look youth. In the injection with salmon DNA, collagen increases in the skin and the skin is tightened by recovering the lost vitality.

Facial Rejuvenation with PRP

PRP is called Platelet Rich Plasma that  has taken its place in medical aesthetics as a new method in skin rejuvenation. It is a treatment method which is known as platelet application in terms of enriching platelet. In application, own blood of the patient is taken, the blood sample and injected into the patient with small needles for treatment. In this way, the damage in the tissues is repaired, the volume of repair is increasing, the skin is rejuvenated.

Face Rejuvenation with Icon Laser

With the laser, the skin is transmitted under the skin without damaging the skin surface and controlled micro-damage is created. Thus, the body initiates the process of self-renewal and the healing system is stepped in. Many effects such as fine lines and wrinkles are disappeared by renewing the skin from the inside to the outside. It is one of the most preferred technological methods of facial rejuvenation methods. According to the skin condition, effective results are taken with 3-4 sessions and sessions should be with 3 weeks interval.


Facial Rejuvenation with BabyFace

Babyface Beauty is a skin rejuvenation system made with thulium laser. The application is done in two steps, firstly the microchannels are opened with laser light on the skin and then, according to the problem in the skin, serums are applied to the skin surface. The active ingredients which is necessary for the treatment of stains are transmitted to the skin layers and then skin starts to rejuvenate itself. This method presents effective results even in one single session that’s why it is often preferred one in medical aesthetic. The treatment lasts 3-4 sessions, it is applied once a week or twice a week.

Facial Rejuvenation with V-Shape

Vshape is a technology which combines radio frequency waves and ultrasound energy. Due to ultrasound support, the application provides to reach the target area and gives effective results. By seeing the damaged tissues, the radiofrequency waves are transmitted and thus the areas of the skin to be needed repair can be reached in a controlled manner. Treatment is completed in 40-60 minutes, the skin is gets vitality by repairing it.

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