G5 Massage Treatment

G5 Massage Treatment

Skin massage with the device named G5 is called G5 Massage. With the help of push-tightening and fast vibration, it works on breaking down fatty deposits. The effects are observed more with the attenuation products used in the application. With the help of this massage which is provided to remove lactic acid from the body due to fatigue, the strained points are allowed to soothe. Thanks to rhythmic massage, blood circulation in the body are accelerated, lines with signs of aging are reduced and elasticity of the skin structure occurs.

G5 massage is an especially preferred method for regional slimming and thinning. Thanks to the device, the massage helps to accelerate the blood circulation, in this way vessels are dilated and the recovery is provided in the body. This massage can be applied to the whole body, especially on the leg and buttocks, it helps to treat the cellulite.

The most effective use of the G5 message is the burning of excess fats by means of fast vibration. The improvement and acceleration of blood circulation help to eliminate pain and it provides to get rest. The flexibility is gained because of the rapid blood circulation. The body gets tired over the time so the blood circulation slows down and it is especially seen on stationary people who have a sedentary lifestyle. This case causes the problem of tiredness and exhaustion at the end of the day. As time progresses, it causes the formation of cellulite in hip areas and it increases. With the G5 message, you can relieve tiredness and also you can get rid of cellulite.

G5 massage is performed according to the body structure and application area in determined sessions. In the preferred massage for regional slimming, approximately 20-minute sessions are performed between 10-15 sessions. G5 massage can be applied as supportive with different treatment methods. Especially, acceleration of blood circulation provides to prefer in the treatment of slimming, cellulite treatment. You can benefit from the G5 massage with light vibrations just to relieve the tiredness of the day.

What are the Benefits of G5 Massage?

Providing and accelerating regional circulation in the body

Helps alleviate pain

Promotes relaxation

Helps reduce long-established fat deposits and subcutaneous fat


Regional Slimming

Reduction Of Cellulite

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