Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is one of the most common problems in the society and, that is a common problem of men and women. Hair loss can be seen in all seasons and also depends on many reasons. Losing 100-150 hair strands per day is accepted normally, and, new hair grows when losing the old one.

Hair loss begins because of  disorders in the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands under the skin excrete fat by means of the substance that is called sebum. When the lubrication is excessive, problems such as hair loss emerge.Many reasons such as iron deficiency, anemia, upper respiratory tract infections, diabetes, blood cancer, thyroid diseases, etc. cause hair loss. Especially women can experience this problem because of the hormonal changes in this period during pregnancy and active lactation Stres, irregular and unhealthy nutrition are reasons of hair loss. In these cases, hair loss can can be treated.

First of all, health problems and nutritional deficiencies are resolved, then, medical aesthetic applications should be treated such as treatment with PRP, hair mesotherapy and regenera activa.

Hair Treatment with PRP

PRP is one of the most effective methods. In the treatment of PRP, own blood of the patient is taken, the blood sample that is collected is divided into platelets and injected into the patient for treatment. Blood taken from the patient is divided into substances that feed the roots called as fibroblasts and finally it is injected into the spilled area. As the base, it provides tissue regeneration, it gives most effective results in hair loss. Treatment of PRP lasts about 30 minutes without pain. The application is treated every other 15 days that usually takes 2-3 months. The treatment provides protection when it is done once a year.

Hair Mesotherapy

The hair needs vitamins, proteins, minerals, this application is done  by injected needles in to the scalp and it is called as hair mesotherapy.These active substances which are transmitted directly to the hair root, it supplies the acceleration of the blood circulation and stimulates the cellular metabolism to rejuvenates the tissues. Hair mesotherapy provides effective results in a short time so it  is the most preferred method in hair loss treatment. Hair mesotherapy is applied to both men and women. Sessions last 1-2, are just 10 minutes and this treatment depends on the needs of hair and after 6-10 sessions hair loss stopped.

What is Regenera Activa Therapy?

Regenera Activa is a new FDA and CE approved technique based on capillary regeneration therapy. The innovative feature is produced privately, using the tissues taken from the patients themselves. In application, taken cells from their own body are injected to themselves. In this way, the number of precursor cells is increased and the repair process starts. It is a very comfortable service that is performed with local anesthesia in clinics. After the application, patients can easily return daily life activities. In the treatment, firstly large capillaries are renewed and the treatment effect is seen after 3-4 months, although it varies from person to person.

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Regenera Activa

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