

Mesotherapy is being used in many treatments since 1952, from cellulite treatment to skin aging, from hair loss to regional excesses. It provides solutions for many treatments, thanks to the formula injected subcutaneously. Mesotherapy is one of the most important treatment methods in the medical aesthetic world, its formula consistently improves that's why its effects increase day by day.

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy as the word meaning is the treatment of the middle layer of the skin. The main aim of mesotherapy is to inject with fine needles to be treated area according to the problem and the solution. Before the application, the anesthetic cream is applied to the skin thus a comfortable and painless treatment is provided. Mesotherapy applied for approximately 10-15 minutes and it provides effective results in a short time. Mesotherapy applied all over the world is preferred by millions of people.

Who is Not Applied to Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy should not be applied paralyzed patients high diabetes, patients with cancer, patients with blood clotting problems and drug-treated heart patients, during pregnancy and breastfeeding period.


Usage Area of Mesotherapy

  •        Cellulite treatment
  •        Hair loss
  •        Facial Rejuvenation
  •        Regional Fat Deposition
  •        Scar revision

Cellulite Treatment with Mesotherapy

Cellulite is a skin problem that can be seen at any age. It is usually seen after lymph drainage problem due to hormonal reason. Mesotherapy helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite by accelerating the blood flow in the cellulite region, regulating circulation, and fixing the hardened ligament and fat tissue. Effective results are obtained in 4-10 weeks.

Regional Fat Deposition

Mesotherapy is used for regional fat deposition in the waist, leg, arm, and abdomen. In this case, mesotherapy is applied as an alternative therapy to liposuction. During the application, fat tissue provides burning because of delivering the substance under the skin.

Scar Treatment

Tissue repair after skin lesion is called scar. Tissue may be caused by the reaction of the nebbe tissue. 5-6 sessions of mesotherapy can be applied to repair this damage.

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