Stain Treatment With Laser

Stain Treatment With Laser

Nowadays, stains on the skin are one of the most complained skin problems. Skin stains, sun rays, senility, pregnancy, birth control pills and hormone treatment are all occurred such as reasons. Skin blemishes can be seen in every skin type and it is also one of the most common aesthetic problems in recently. In order to treat skin stains, the source of stains should be determined correctly. Determination of the condition causing the increase of melanin production is very important in terms of treatment success, in terms of treatment success.

What is Sunspot (Melasma)?

The sunspots called as melasma,it is frequently observed in women which are begin to appear in 20s. Generally, stains on the face that occurs because of  unprotected sun exposure and direct sunlight. Therefore, this kind of stains increase in summer time and they have a darker color, and in winter they become faint. When the stain treatment is applied, it is also important whether these stains on the skin are deep or superficial. Treatment is determined in this direction and more permanent results are obtained.

How are the spots treated in our clinic?

Before treatment, the depth of stains are determined. When the stain is new , the more effective results are taken in a short time. Factors are determined that causes the formation of stains and these reasons are prevented from the formation of stains again. If there are skin problems like scar on the face, redness, itching, firstly these conditions should be treated and then the treatment should be began. After all of these procedures , stains can be treated by methods such as stains, laser systems, chemical peeling and mesotherapy and PRP.

Stain Treatment with Icon Laser

Icon Lezer is one of the most important methods in the treatment of stains. With this treatment, melanin density measurement can be done and it is known that how much application to the region can be calculated correctly in this way. Sessions last 3-4, it is applied every three or four weeks so re-occurrence stains are prevented.

Stain Treatment with Baby Face Beauty

Baby Face Beauty is a technology that opens the heat channels on the skin,it  transmits the anti-aging substances to the skin with laser technology. Micro channels are opened on the skin with laser and then, according to the problem in the skin, serums are applied to the skin surface.The active ingredients which is  necessary for the treatment of stains, are transmitted to the skin layers and then skin start to rejuvenate itself. The treatment lasts 3-5 sessions, of it is applied every 1-2 weeks.

Q-Swiched ND: Stain Treatment with YAG Laser

With Q-Swiched laser, both tattoo, badly made permanent make-up and skin stains treatment can be treated. Sessions and time  depend on the treatment.

Freckle and Treatment of  Aging?

The treatment of freckle and aging is applied in 1-2 sessions with Icon laser in our clinic.

Stain treatment with PRP

Prp  is method that is done with the blood taken from the body of the patient so it rejuvenates the skin and repair the damaged area. It is recommended to have 4 sessions and it should be done every two or three weeks. When combined with  micro needling, Scarlet and laser methods (Icon laser, baby face beauty, Q-Swiched laser).PRP treatment for staining can contribute to disappear of the stain or provides to reduce better when combined with micro needling, Scarlet and laser methods (Icon laser, baby face beauty, Q-Swiched laser).

Mesotherapy Treatment

Mesotherapy is applied by injecting and also consists of active substances formula which provides vitamins and repair to the skin. Needles provide the transmission of the formula which consists of substances with antioxidant effect, such as vitamin C, glutathione, salmon extract.Skin stains are relieved and more effective results are taken with chemical peeling or laser support with this treatment.

Chemical Peeling

Chemical peeling applied to the skin surface that is peeled kindly, removes dead skin. In the meantime, pigment producing cells are suppressed and the collagen production increases. Session last 2-6, it is applied between 7 and 20 days with chemical peeling, These terms vary from person to person, it also doesn’t affect the daily life.

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