Stretch Mark Treatment

Stretch Mark Treatment

Skin lesions are called stretch marks which is frequently seen in women, due to weight gain or due to pregnancy. Stretch marks are formed by the rupture of the skin that is called dermis. Stretch marks aren’t life-threatening case and also they don’t affect body functions. However, it is accepted as a big cosmetic problem by all women.

Stretch marks are seen in all parts of the body when some drugs may have some side effects during adolescent period, pregnancy, hormonal therapy. Stretch marks are frequently  on oily areas on the body. They are commonly observed in the abdomen, chest, upper arms, buttocks and thighs.

How are Stretch Marks treated?

Stretch Marks can be treated with FDA-approved icon Laser. Also Icon Laser offers comprehensive treatments in aesthetic platform such as spot treatment, acne scars, wrinkle treatment, skin rejuvenation.

What is Icon Laser Method?

Icon Laser creates a heat damage in the lower and upper layers of the skin. There is no side effect and damage because of the heat and lines on the skin surface are treated for damage under the skin while being repaired. Thus, stretch marks are treated and the fracture image is minimized with this way. This method affects the upper and lower layers of the skin, so it provides the innovation from the inside out.

Icon laser  Sessions

The icon laser lasts 3-6 sessions but it changes according to the skin type and also the area to be treated. In order to prevent the pain, anesthetic cream may be used 30-45 minutes ago.

When are results of Icon Laser seen?

After the treatment, the skin begins to repair itself, so the initial results are immediately observed. After the first session, the skin will be  luster and vitality and the patients and those around them immediately notice this vitality. The most effective results are seen after the third session but the expected results are taken in few months.

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